Four New GTA IV Screenshots

By Chris | 25th Jan 2008 at 03:57 GMT in GTA IV | 21 Comments

Four new screenshots have emerged from Dutch gaming website Power Unlimited. Unfortunately they aren't high resolution but we're hoping we'll have these for you soon.

gtaiv_screenshot_76.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_77.jpg

gtaiv_screenshot_78.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_79.jpg

Thanks Ruudeke.

UPDATE: We now have the full size screenshots.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 25th January, 2008 @ 08:11 - Permalink

Great shots, especially the 1st and 4th. Looks like there'll be a great damage model in place for the vehicles. :D And is that Roman in the car in the 3rd shot, or just a civilian? Looks like him.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 25th January, 2008 @ 08:39 - Permalink

Those screens look cool. I especially like the one with Niko shooting with a rocket launcher. The first one looks cool as well.

mark123's photo
mark123 25th January, 2008 @ 09:51 - Permalink


wow.. this is deffinately the best one i've seen out the lot i think! .. no more bonnet flies open or any of that rubbish now you have proper damage! i have to say with recent versions of pictures and trailers i've been dissapointed with some of the graphics but this just looks incredible..

Red_91's photo
Red_91 25th January, 2008 @ 15:14 - Permalink

The car in the first screen shot looks like a Rolls Ryce Phantom, looks good damage quality.

Jet's photo
Jet 25th January, 2008 @ 15:58 - Permalink

Yeah! Netherlands rocks :innocent: !!! btw... I watch the Power Unlimited Websiter every day, so i was already annouced of these screenshots :whistle:

Sherman's photo
Sherman 25th January, 2008 @ 21:16 - Permalink
The car in the first screen shot looks like a Rolls Ryce Phantom, looks good damage quality.

In the pic, it says "A Federal crack down on Organized (crime)" Possibly a hint to who we're going to be dealing with?

Dave1's photo
Dave1 25th January, 2008 @ 21:55 - Permalink

Very nice shots, My hopes are still very high for this game, RockStar has never let me down before.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 25th January, 2008 @ 22:05 - Permalink

Good shots. I like them, they look really realistic.

Off Topic: Welcome back Dave!

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 25th January, 2008 @ 22:35 - Permalink

1st shit kinda looks like a Chrysler 300c... (Random)

4th shot.... well, all i can say is thati can wait to blow some bitches up with that RPG :D

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 25th January, 2008 @ 23:31 - Permalink

Liking Niko's attitude in the thrid one. "get out of the car and give me the fucking keys..... or i will seriously fuck you up"

The Cool's photo
The Cool 26th January, 2008 @ 03:45 - Permalink

I'm lovin the pic of the 300, can't wait to drive it. I bet the GPS is awesome in that ride.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 26th January, 2008 @ 20:39 - Permalink

Agree with the above posters.

Certainly does feel like we are getting closer to the release and these fine screenshots are a nice treat.

Artur's photo
Artur 27th January, 2008 @ 10:23 - Permalink
1st shit kinda looks like a Chrysler 300c... (Random)

4th shot.... well, all i can say is thati can wait to blow some bitches up with that RPG :D

Just about to say it looks like a Chrysler 300 as well. But looks pretty cool. Gotta love that 4th pic, just looks awesome.

Connor's photo
Connor 27th January, 2008 @ 11:52 - Permalink


That helicopter looks owned.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 27th January, 2008 @ 14:30 - Permalink

That helicopter looks owned.

Yeah, It's going down. Mayday ;):P

The pic of the car looks cool.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 27th January, 2008 @ 15:19 - Permalink

Some cool images.

I like the first and third images. The first image of the car looks awesome, especially with the popped tire, the effects looks great in that. I hope we can modify the cars in the game, because that car would look even wicked if it was modified with some new rims, and good paint job.

azn's photo
azn 27th January, 2008 @ 15:35 - Permalink

The damage effect have been much improved since San Andreas. As many of you probably remember the main shell of the car stays intact while the doors etc fall off. This time round it looks like the car actually gets mangled in a crash, imagine Burnout 3's damage effects in GTAIV...

You just can't say no to a bazooka B)

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 27th January, 2008 @ 19:07 - Permalink

I don't know if anyone noticed this but, in the second screenshot, is that an arrow above that guys head?I hope this is kind of an early screen, cause, I thought Rockstar said there would no longer be arrows of indication above people.

OR!!!! maybe this is a gamplay shot and that is the lockon health indicator of your enemy. Not sure, but I just thought it was kind of interesting.

ActualBoy's photo
ActualBoy 29th January, 2008 @ 00:44 - Permalink
I don't know if anyone noticed this but, in the second screenshot, is that an arrow above that guys head?I hope this is kind of an early screen, cause, I thought Rockstar said there would no longer be arrows of indication above people.

OR!!!! maybe this is a gamplay shot and that is the lockon health indicator of your enemy. Not sure, but I just thought it was kind of interesting.

Furthermore, did anyone see the bumper of a Clover from San Andreas on the right hand side of the 2nd screen? I used to love doing them up on SA...

NSanityHD's photo
NSanityHD 29th January, 2008 @ 01:26 - Permalink

Is GTA IV better then San Andreas?

The screenshots look good.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 29th January, 2008 @ 08:24 - Permalink
Is GTA IV better then San Andreas?

The screenshots look good.

Of course GTA IV will be better then San Andreas. That picture of Niko shooting the helicopter is awesome!

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